Prohlížíte si archiv neděle 17. března 2002

Report sluneční aktivity

Any mentioned solar flare in this report has a scaling factor applied by the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). Because of the SWPC scaling factor, solar flares are reported as 42% smaller than for the science quality data. The scaling factor has been removed from our archived solar flare data to reflect the true physical units.
Zpráva o sluneční-geofyzikální činnosti 2002 Mar 17 2200 UTC
Připraveno NOAA © SWPC a zpracováno

Společná zpráva USAF / NOAA o sluneční a geofyzikální činnosti

SDF číslo 076 Vydáno za 2200Z za 17 Mar 2002

IA. Analýza solárních aktivních oblastí a aktivity od 16-2100Z do 17-2100Z

Solar activity was moderate during the past 24 hours. Region 9871 (S18E20) produced today's biggest event, an impulsive M4/Sf at 1931 UTC. The region appears to be growing slowly. An additional M-class event occurred: an M1 at 1019 UTC for which there was no optical report. Region 9866 (S09W33) is decaying gradually, but is still the largest region on the disk. Retrospective analysis of the CME that occurred around 15/2310 UTC shows a full halo event with an estimated plane-of-sky speed somewhere in the 750-850 km/s range. New Region 9873 (S17W09) emerged near the middle of the solar disk during the past 24 hours.
IB. Předpověď sluneční aktivity
Solar activity is expected to be moderate during the next three days, with Regions 9866 and 9871 being the most likely sources.
IIA. Souhrn geofyzikální aktivity 16-2100Z až 17-2100Z
The geomagnetic field was quiet during the past 24 hours. The greater than 10 MeV protons began to rise at the very end of the UT day yesterday and crossed event threshold at 17/0820 UTC. The fluxes reached a maximum of 13 PFU at 17/0850 UTC. The fluxes dropped below threshold at 17/1230 UTC, but have been fluctuating and have been on the increase since around 1500 UTC. It seems probable that the current slow climb is related to the approach of an interplanetary shock.
IIB. Předpověď geofyzikální aktivity
The geomagnetic field is expected to reach active to minor storm levels tomorrow in response to the halo CME event of 15/2310 UTC. A decrease to active is expected on the second day and a further decline to unsettled is expected by the third day. The current trend of the 10 MeV protons and the likely arrival of a shock in the next 12 hours all suggest that the proton fluxes should once again cross threshold.
III. Pravděpodobnosti události 18 Mar až 20 $ 4
Třída M50%50%50%
Třída X05%05%05%
IV. Proud Penticton 10.7 cm
  Pozorováno       17 Mar 184
  Předpovězeno   18 Mar-20 Mar  190/195/190
  90 denní průměr        17 Mar 215
V. Geomagnetické indexy A
  Pozorováno Afr/Ap 16 Mar  005/005
  Odhadovaný     Afr/Ap 17 Mar  005/005
  Předpovězeno    Afr/Ap 18 Mar-20 Mar  030/030-020/020-010/010
VI. Pravděpodobnosti geomagnetické aktivity 18 Mar až 20 Mar
A. Střední zeměpisné šířky
Menší bouře25%20%15%
Silná bouře20%15%05%
B. Vysoké zeměpisné šířky
Menší bouře25%20%15%
Silná bouře25%20%10%

Všechny časy v UTC

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