Прогноз Космічної Погоди - Обговорення
Випущено: 2025 Mar 23 1230 UTC
Надано Міністерством торгівлі США, NOAA, Центром прогнозування космічної погоди і опрацьовано SpaceWeatherLive.com
Сонячна активність
Підсумок за добу
Solar activity was at low levels. Region 4028 (S17W66, Cro/beta)
produced a C 3.6 flare at 23/0045 UTC as it underwent gradual decay.
Region 4035 (N15W08, Dro/beta) tacked on a few C-class flares to include
a C5.0 flare at 22/1727 UTC, which was the largest of the period. New
spots were observed forming just behind AR 4035, but remain unnumbered
at this time. Region 4036 (N07W53, Dsi/beta-gamma) continued its
evolving trend as it grew, consolidated its leading spots and developed
asymmetric penumbra in its trailing spots. The remaining numbered active
regions remained simple and were relatively quiet.
Analysis of a southwesterly CME first seen in LASCO C2 coronagraph
imagery at approximately 22/1612 UTC suggests that this event may be
associated with a prominence eruption that can be seen taking place in
GOES-16 SUVI 304 imagery beginning at 22/1357 UTC. The presence of this
prominence eruption coupled with a lack of reported radio sweeps
seemingly suggests that this particular CME does not have an
Earth-directed component.
C-class flare activity is expected, with a chance for isolated M-class
(R1-R2/Minor-Moderate) flares, over 23-25 Mar.
Заряджені Частинки
Підсумок за добу
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux was at normal to moderate levels.
The greater than 10 MeV proton flux returned to background levels.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux is expected to be at normal to
moderate levels through 25 Mar. The greater than 10 MeV proton flux is
expected to remain below S1 (Minor) levels over 23-25 Mar.
Сонячний Вітер
Підсумок за добу
The solar wind environment reflected waning CME and negative polarity
CH HSS influences. Total field decreased from 15 nT to 5-6 nT. The Bz
component began the period deflected southward reaching minimums of -5
to -10 nT, but was otherwise mostly benign after 22/1645 UTC. Solar wind
speeds gradually decreased from peaks near 520 km/s and ended the period
just under 430 km/s. Phi underwent long oscillations between solar
A strong enhancement of the solar wind environment is likely on 23 Mar
due to the anticipated arrival of a CME from 21 Mar. Lingering
enhancements are likely to wane over the course of 24 Mar. An additional
enhancement is likely on 25 Mar due to CIR effects followed by the onset
of positive polarity CH HSS influences.
Підсумок за добу
The geomagnetic field reached G1 (Minor) geomagnetic storming levels.
Periods of G1-G3 (Minor-Strong) geomagnetic storming are likely on 23
Mar due to the anticipated arrival of a CME from 21 Mar and negative
polarity CH HSS influences. G1 (Minor) storms are likely on 24 Mar as
lingering CME and negative polarity CH HSS effects wane. Periods of
G1-G2 (Minor-Moderate) storms are likely on 25 Mar due to CIR effects
followed by the onset of positive polarity CH HSS influences.