понеділок, 24 березня 2025 16:59 UTC
The anticipated strong G3 geomagnetic storm watch never materialized as the coronal mass ejection that was supposed to arrive early yesterday didn't arrive until today just past midnight UTC. The impact was very lackluster with the Bt (total strength of the IMF) increasing to a moderate 15nT at best and the solar wind speed reaching just 420km/s. A far cry from the anticipated 700 to 800km/s. That once again goes to show how hard it is to forecast space weather events and any resulting geomagnetic conditions. We remain under the influence of the CME and high latitude sky watchers should remain alert for some nice aurora displays but middle latitude sky watchers will probably have to wait for the next opportunity.
субота, 22 березня 2025 17:58 UTC
Yesterday around 16 UTC an M1.2 solar flare took place around sunspot region 4028. The solar flare triggered a filament eruption which erupted from the center of the earth-facing solar disk.
середа, 5 березня 2025 21:47 UTC
A coronal hole is facing our planet today which is sending a high speed solar wind stream towards us which could cause enhanced geomagnetic conditions (and thus aurora!) in the days ahead.
неділя, 23 лютого 2025 19:55 UTC
It has been 53 long days but we have finaly seen another X-class solar flare coming from the Sun today. Sunspot region 3947 produced an X1.8 solar flare on 4th of January and since that day... silence... but today departing sunspot region 4001 produced an X2.0 solar flare.
пʼятниця, 7 лютого 2025 19:26 UTC
Geomagnetic conditions have been relativity quiet lately with no strong geomagnetic storms to speak of. Coronal holes are however making a return and we are seeing them more regularly appearing and influencing the weather in space around Earth and thus the aurora dancing above our heads.
середа, 29 січня 2025 15:19 UTC
A coronal hole is facing our planet today which is sending a high speed solar wind stream towards us which could cause enhanced geomagnetic conditions (and thus aurora!) in the days ahead.
четвер, 16 січня 2025 17:53 UTC
A coronal hole is facing our planet today which is sending a high speed solar wind stream towards us which could cause enhanced geomagnetic conditions (and thus aurora!) in the days ahead.
субота, 4 січня 2025 17:46 UTC
Solar activity has been on the rise again thanks to flaring activity coming from sunspot region 3947. It has been responsible for multiple M-class events and three low-level X-class events including an X1.8 solar flare today that peaked at 12:48 UTC.
понеділок, 30 грудня 2024 19:31 UTC
Our Sun remains fairly active today but no coronal mass ejections were launched today with a clear earth-directed component. We do however want to talk about yesterday's events again as more data and opinions have emerged...
неділя, 29 грудня 2024 23:09 UTC
It has been quite an eventful day on the Sun with 18 M-class solar flares and even an X1 solar flare. Sunspot region 3936 produced most of these events including the X-flare but also sunspot region 3938, 3939 and 3940 were contributors.
Багато людей відвідують сайт SpaceWeatherLive, щоб слідкувати за сонячною та авроральною активністю, але зі збільшенням трафіку хостинг також стає дорожчим. Будь-ласка, подумайте про пожертву, якщо вам подобається SpaceWeatherLive, щоб ми могли і надалі підтримувати цей сайт і платити за хостинг!
Останній X-спалах | 2025/02/23 | X2.0 |
Останній M-спалах | 2025/03/21 | M1.2 |
Останній геомагнітний шторм | 2025/03/22 | Kp6- (G2) |
Дні без сонячних плям | |
Останній день без сонячних спалахів | 2022/06/08 |
Середня кількість сонячних плям протягом місяця | |
лютого 2025 | 154.6 +17.6 |
березня 2025 | 140.6 -14 |
Останні 30 днів | 138.7 -14.7 |