Sunspot region 2192 (now the largest sunspot region in 24 years) produced a major X3.19 solar flare (R3-strong radio blackout) at 21:41 UTC. This was the third and also the strongest X-class solar flare from this sunspot region and the sixth strongest solar flare of the current solar cycle.
Another relatively quiet day when you consider the size of sunspot region 2192, the largest sunspot region that faced Earth in 24 years! Solar activity has been moderate today with only one M-class solar flare: M4.07 (R1-minor) at 07:48 UTC. This solar flare was rather impulsive but it was eruptive for a change and it did produce a coronal mass ejection! The bad news is that sunspot region 2192 miraculously managed to send the eruption south of the Sun-Earth line. No impact at Earth is thus expected from this event. In this article we take a closer look at the M4.0 solar flare and the evolution of sunspot region 2192.
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Viimane X-loide | 23/02/2025 | X2.0 |
Viimane M-loide | 26/03/2025 | M1.0 |
Viimane geomagnetiline torm | 22/03/2025 | Kp6- (G2) |
Plekivabasid päevi | |
Viimane päikese plekivaba päev | 08/06/2022 |
Kuu keskmine päikeseplekkide arv | |
veebruar 2025 | 154.6 +17.6 |
märts 2025 | 135 -19.6 |
Viimased 30 päeva | 133.7 -19.9 |