Kosmoseilma ennustuse alane diskusioon
Välja antud: 2025 Feb 22 0030 UTC
Koostanud Ameerika Ühendriikide kaubandusosakond, NOAA, kosmoseilma prognoosikeskus (SWPC) ja töödeldud SpaceWeatherLive.com-i poolt
Päikese aktiivsus
24 h summaarne
Solar flare activity reached moderate levels. Region 4000 (N17E07,
Dai/beta) produced two R1 (Minor) events, the largest of which was an
M3.3/1b flare at 21/1215 UTC. Region 4000, alongside Region 3998
(S14W02, Eai/beta-gamma-delta), exhibited continued development over the
past 24 hours. The remaining numbered regions on the visible disk were
either mostly stable or in gradual decay.
Other activity included a slow-moving eruption near Region 4000 early in
the UT day. Analysis and modelling of the CME suggested the ejecta was
headed north of Earth. No other potentially Earth-directed CMEs were
identified in available coronagraph imagery.
Solar activity is expected to be low with a chance for isolated M-class
(R1-R2, Minor-Moderate) activity and a slight chance for X-class (R3,
Strong) activity over 22-24 Feb.
Energeetilised osakesed
24 h summaarne
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geostationary orbit was at
normal background to moderate levels. The greater than 10 MeV proton
flux was at background levels.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux is expected to continue at normal
to moderate levels over 22-24 Feb. There is a slight chance that the
greater than 10 MeV proton flux reaches S1 (Minor) levels through 24 Feb
due primarily to the flare potential from Regions 4000 and 3998.
Päikese tuul
24 h summaarne
Solar wind parameters were at nominal levels. Total magnetic field
strength averaged near 5 nT, solar wind speeds steadily decreased from
~400 km/s to ~315 km/s by the end of the reporting period, and Phi angle
was predominantly oriented in the the negative sector.
Solar wind parameters are expected to remain at or near nominal levels
through 24 Feb.
24 h summaarne
The geomagnetic field was quiet to unsettled.
The geomagnetic field is expected to be at mostly quiet levels over
22-24 Feb.