Solar activity has been pretty boring lately with no solar flares or sunspot regions really worth mentioning. A tiny region with a reverse magnetic polarity did appear a few days ago which likely belonged to the next solar cycle but it faded away pretty quickly. It is normal for sunspot regions from two solar cycles to overlap around solar minimum but it does show we are closing in on true solar minimum. This combined with the fact that we are hardly seeing any sunspots or flaring activity at the moment means this solar cycle might be a shorter than average cycle.
Paljud inimesed külastavad SpaceWeatherLive lehte selleks, et jälgida, mis toimub Päikesel või, kas on oodata virmalisi. Suurema liiklusega on serveri koormus ning maksumus kõrgem. Kui sulle meeldib see, mida me sinu heaks teeme, siis saad sa sellele ka ise natukene kaasa aidata, annetades selle lehe käigus hoidmise ja arendamise heaks. Ette tänades SpeaceWeatherLive meeskond!
Viimane X-loide | 28/03/2025 | X1.1 |
Viimane M-loide | 31/03/2025 | M1.2 |
Viimane geomagnetiline torm | 27/03/2025 | Kp5 (G1) |
Plekivabasid päevi | |
Viimane päikese plekivaba päev | 08/06/2022 |
Kuu keskmine päikeseplekkide arv | |
veebruar 2025 | 154.6 +17.6 |
Viimased 30 päeva | 127.7 -23.5 |