Vaata kolmapäev, 18 aprill 2001 arhiivi

Päikese aktiivsuse aruanne

Igale käesolevas aruandes mainitud päikesepurskele on kohaldatud Kosmose Ilmaennustuskeskuse (SWPC) skaalafaktor. SWPC skaleerimisteguri tõttu on päikesepursked esitatud 42% väiksemana kui samade teadusliku kvaliteediga andmete puhul. Meie arhiveeritud päikesepursete andmetest on skaleerimisstegur eemaldatud, et kajastada tegelikke füüsikalisi ühikuid.
Päikese ja geofüüsikalise aktiivsuse aruanne 2001 Apr 18 2200 UTC
Valminud NOAA © SWPC ja töödeldud

Ühine USAF / NOAA päikese- ja geofüüsikaalase aktiivsuse aruanne

SDF number 108 Välja antud 2200Z kuni 18 Apr 2001

IA. Päikese aktiivsete piirkondade ja päikeseaktiivsuse analüüs alates 17-2100Z kuni 18-2100Z

Solar activity was moderate. The largest flare of the period was an optically uncorrelated M1 at 17/2157 UTC. EIT imagery suggests the source of this flare to be returning Region 9393, which has been newly numbered as Region 9433 (N15E74). Old Region 9415 (L=360) produced a C2 flare, CME, Type II sweep, and 570 sfu tenflare at 18/0215 UTC. The region was almost 25 degrees beyond the West limb at the time, which likely masked the full strength of the x-ray flare. New Region 9432 (N09E21) was also numbered today.
IB. Päikese aktiivsuse ennustus
Solar activity is expected to be predominantly low with a chance for an isolated M flare from Region 9433.
IIA. Summaarne geofüüsikaline aktiivsus 17-2100Z kuni 18-2100Z
The geomagnetic field has been quiet to minor storm, with severe storm conditions at high latitudes. An interplanetary shock passed the ACE spacecraft at 18/0005 UTC; subsequently the Boulder magnetometer registered a 50 nT sudden impulse at 18/0048 UTC. This shock was likely associated with the X14/2B on 15 April. Greater than 10 MeV and greater than 100 MeV proton events began at 18/0315 UTC and 18/0255 UTC respectively, most likely associated with the activity from old Region 9415 discussed in Part IA. The greater than 10 MeV protons reached a peak of 321 pfu at 18/1045 UTC, while the greater than 100 MeV protons reached 12 pfu at 18/0600 UTC. The Thule neutron monitor measured a ground level event between 18/0242 UTC and 18/0914 UTC; a polar cap absorption (PCA) event began at 18/0425 UTC and remains in progress. Values for the greater than 2 MeV electrons at geosynchronous orbit were not reported due to sensor contamination by the proton event.
IIB. Geofüüsikalise aktiivsuse ennustus
The geomagnetic field is expected to be quiet to active on day one of the forecast period, dropping to quiet to unsettled on days two and three. The proton events and PCA are expected to end on day one.
III. Sündmuste tõenäosus 19 Aprkuni 21 Apr
Klass M40%40%40%
Klass X05%05%05%
PCAFin progress
IV. Pikklaine 10.7 cm kiirgus
  Vaadeldud       18 Apr 132
  Prognoositud   19 Apr-21 Apr  135/145/155
  90 päeva keskmine        18 Apr 165
V. Geomagneetiline A-indeks
  Vaadeldud Afr/Ap 17 Apr  004/007
  Hinnanguline     Afr/Ap 18 Apr  028/050
  Prognoositud    Afr/Ap 19 Apr-21 Apr  012/015-010/015-005/010
VI. Geomagnetilised aktiivsuse tõenäosused 19 Apr kuni 21 Apr
A. Keskmistel laiuskraadidel
Väike torm05%05%01%
Suur-tõsine torm01%01%01%
B. Kõrgetel laiuskraadidel
Väike torm15%15%05%
Suur-tõsine torm05%05%01%

Kõik ajad UTC-s

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Fakte kosmose ilmast

Viimane X-loide06/11/2024X2.39
Viimane M-loide22/11/2024M1.0
Viimane geomagnetiline torm10/11/2024Kp5+ (G1)
Plekivabasid päevi
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Kuu keskmine päikeseplekkide arv
oktoober 2024166.4 +25
november 2024144.1 -22.3
Viimased 30 päeva158 +10.7

See päev ajaloos*

Päikesepursked ehk loited
*alates 1994
