Algus Maksimum Lõpp Piirkond Asukoht Röntgenkiirgus Op 245Mhz 10cm Vahelduv 0006 0007 0007 920 0011 0011 0011 310 0016 0016 0016 110 0033 0040 0044 B4.1 130 0047 0047 0047 210 0454 0454 0455 110 1914 1917 1921 0008 B3.8 370
10 cm 139 SSN 106 Afr/Ap 004/007 X-ray Background B2.9 Igapäevane Prootonvoog (voo tihedus 24 tunni jooksul) GT 1 MeV 4.8e+04 GT 10 MeV 1.3e+04 p/(cm2-ster-day) (GOES-8 satelliidi sünkroniseeritud orbiit W75 kraadi) Päevane elektronide kogum GT 2 MeV 8.30e+06 e/(cm2-ster-day) (GOES-8 satelliidi sünkroniseeritud orbiit W75 kraadi) 3 tunni k-indeks Boulder 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 Planetary 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1
This message is for users of the NOAA/SEC Space Weather Operations sunspot region numbers. As you may have noticed, region number 10000 was assigned on June 14. Space Weather operations is going through the sequence of Region numbers as 9998, 9999, 0000, 0001, and so on. SEC's product text discussions of the active regions will ignore the leading zeroes (for example, we will say 'Region number 5' rather than Region number '0005'). However, the Geoalert product, the Region Report product, as well as the USAF and ISES data exchange codes will preserve the 4 digit format. The necessity of using four digits is for operational purposes only. For historical purposes all regions beyond Region 9999 will be understood to be in a series of region numbers 10000 and higher.
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Viimane X-loide | 04/01/2025 | X1.85 |
Viimane M-loide | 14/02/2025 | M1.8 |
Viimane geomagnetiline torm | 15/02/2025 | Kp5 (G1) |
Plekivabasid päevi | |
Viimane päikese plekivaba päev | 08/06/2022 |
Kuu keskmine päikeseplekkide arv | |
jaanuar 2025 | 137 -17.5 |
veebruar 2025 | 149.7 +12.7 |
Viimased 30 päeva | 154.8 +1.5 |