Vaata laupäev, 9 november 2002 arhiivi
Päikese aktiivsuse aruanne
Igale käesolevas aruandes mainitud päikesepurskele on kohaldatud Kosmose Ilmaennustuskeskuse (SWPC) skaalafaktor. SWPC skaleerimisteguri tõttu on päikesepursked esitatud 42% väiksemana kui samade teadusliku kvaliteediga andmete puhul. Meie arhiveeritud päikesepursete andmetest on skaleerimisstegur eemaldatud, et kajastada tegelikke füüsikalisi ühikuid.
Päikese ja geofüüsikalise aktiivsuse aruanne 2002 Nov 09 2200 UTC
Valminud NOAA © SWPC ja töödeldudÜhine USAF / NOAA päikese- ja geofüüsikaalase aktiivsuse aruanne
SDF number 313 Välja antud 2200Z kuni 09 Nov 2002
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IA. Päikese aktiivsete piirkondade ja päikeseaktiivsuse analüüs alates 08-2100Z kuni 09-2100Z
Solar activity was moderate. Region 180 (S10W41)
produced an M4/2B flare at 09/1323 UTC. The flare was accompanied by
type II/IV radio sweeps, a 760 sfu burst at 2695 MHz, and an
apparent earth-directed CME. Otherwise only C-class flares occurred,
mostly in Region 180 but also from Region 191 (S17E63).
IB. Päikese aktiivsuse ennustus
Solar activity is expected to be low
to moderate. Region 180 is the most likely source of energetic
flares with a slight chance of M-level activity in 191.
IIA. Summaarne geofüüsikaline aktiivsus 08-2100Z kuni 09-2100Z
The geomagnetic field was quiet to unsettled. The field became
somewhat disturbed after 09/1800 UTC in response to a shock observed
in the solar wind at about 09/1755 UTC. Further analysis of the
solar wind data since 09/2100 UTC suggests that this structure is
CME material rather than related to a high-speed stream as suggested
in the original filing of this report. A greater than 10 MeV proton
event began at 09/1920 UTC, following the M4 flare mentioned in Part
IA, and remains in progress. The current greater than 10 MeV proton
flux is about 30 pfu. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at
geosynchronous orbit was moderate to high.
IIB. Geofüüsikalise aktiivsuse ennustus
The geomagnetic field is
expected to be mostly unsettled for the next 24-36 hours. Active
conditions are expected late on 11 November in response to the
M4/CME which occurred today. The greater than 10 MeV proton event is
expected to continue.
III. Sündmuste tõenäosus 10 Novkuni 12 Nov
Klass M | 50% | 50% | 50% |
Klass X | 10% | 10% | 10% |
Prooton | 90% | 10% | 05% |
PCAF | yellow
IV. Pikklaine 10.7 cm kiirgus
Vaadeldud 09 Nov 191
Prognoositud 10 Nov-12 Nov 185/180/180
90 päeva keskmine 09 Nov 178
V. Geomagneetiline A-indeks
Vaadeldud Afr/Ap 08 Nov 003/008
Hinnanguline Afr/Ap 09 Nov 008/012
Prognoositud Afr/Ap 10 Nov-12 Nov 010/012-015/015-020/020
VI. Geomagnetilised aktiivsuse tõenäosused 10 Nov kuni 12 Nov
A. Keskmistel laiuskraadidel |
Aktiivne | 15% | 20% | 30% |
Väike torm | 05% | 10% | 20% |
Suur-tõsine torm | 01% | 05% | 10% |
B. Kõrgetel laiuskraadidel |
Aktiivne | 15% | 25% | 35% |
Väike torm | 10% | 15% | 25% |
Suur-tõsine torm | 01% | 05% | 10% |
Kõik ajad UTC-s
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