Algus Maksimum Lõpp Piirkond Asukoht Röntgenkiirgus Op 245Mhz 10cm Vahelduv 0245 0304 0316 0234 C2.6 140 1927 1927 1927 140
10 cm 116 SSN 077 Afr/Ap 006/006 X-ray Background B2.6 Igapäevane Prootonvoog (voo tihedus 24 tunni jooksul) GT 1 MeV 7.9e+05 GT 10 MeV 2.3e+04 p/(cm2-ster-day) (GOES-8 satelliidi sünkroniseeritud orbiit W75 kraadi) Päevane elektronide kogum GT 2 MeV 9.00e+07 e/(cm2-ster-day) (GOES-8 satelliidi sünkroniseeritud orbiit W75 kraadi) 3 tunni k-indeks Boulder 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 Planetary 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 1
Beginning 1500 UTC April 8, SEC will begin using data from the GOES 12 satellite, and stop receiving GOES 8 data. GOES 12 has the new Solar X-Ray Imager (SXI), which will acquire real-time, operational images of the solar x-ray flux. With the switch from GOES 8 to GOES 12, the primary/secondary designations will change. GOES 12 will be the primary satellite for the SXI. All other data, including magnetometer, XRS x-ray measurements, and energetic particles, will have GOES 10 as their primary source, with GOES 12 as the secondary source where available. Please see for important information on this changeover.
Kõik ajad UTC-s
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Viimane X-loide | 23/02/2025 | X2.0 |
Viimane M-loide | 11/03/2025 | M1.1 |
Viimane geomagnetiline torm | 12/03/2025 | Kp5 (G1) |
Plekivabasid päevi | |
Viimane päikese plekivaba päev | 08/06/2022 |
Kuu keskmine päikeseplekkide arv | |
veebruar 2025 | 154.6 +17.6 |
märts 2025 | 116.4 -38.2 |
Viimased 30 päeva | 141.1 -6.3 |