Vaata neljapäev, 19 juuni 2003 arhiivi

Geofüüsikaline aruanne

Igale käesolevas aruandes mainitud päikesepurskele on kohaldatud Kosmose Ilmaennustuskeskuse (SWPC) skaalafaktor. SWPC skaleerimisteguri tõttu on päikesepursked esitatud 42% väiksemana kui samade teadusliku kvaliteediga andmete puhul. Meie arhiveeritud päikesepursete andmetest on skaleerimisstegur eemaldatud, et kajastada tegelikke füüsikalisi ühikuid.
Summaarne päikese ja geomagnetiline aktiivsus 2003 Jun 19 0245 UTC
Valminud NOAA © SWPC ja töödeldud

Ühine USAF / NOAA päikese- ja geofüüsikaalase aktiivsuse kokkuvõte

SGAS number 170 Välja antud 0245Z kuni 19 Jun 2003 See aruanne on kogutud SWO-lt saadud andmetel 18 Jun kohta
A. Energeetilised sündmused
Algus   Maksimum  Lõpp  Piirkond  Asukoht  Röntgenkiirgus  Op  245Mhz   10cm   Vahelduv
2227 2255 2312  0386        M6.8     1200   2100   II/IV
B. Prootonilised sündmused
The greater than 10 Mev proton fluxes at geosynchronous orbit reached event threshold at 18/2050Z and due to the recent activity the exact source for this particle event is not certain at this time but is most likely from the M6.8 x-ray flare from 17 June..
C. Summaarne geomagnetiline aktiivsus
The geomagnetic field was at predominantly minor to major storm levels with an isolated period of severe storm conditions seen at high latitudes between 18/0600 and 0900Z. A co-rotating integrated region preceding a recurrent high speed coronal hole stream and is believed to responsible for the storm conditions.
D. Stratosfääri soojenemine (ioniseerumine)
E. Päevaindeksid: (reaalajas esialgsed / hinnangulised väärtused)
10 cm 120  SSN 099  Afr/Ap 045/054   X-ray Background B3.2
Igapäevane Prootonvoog (voo tihedus 24 tunni jooksul)
GT 1 MeV 2.5e+07   GT 10 MeV 1.4e+06 p/(cm2-ster-day)
(GOES-8 satelliidi sünkroniseeritud orbiit W128 kraadi)
Päevane elektronide kogum
GT 2 MeV 2.30e+06 e/(cm2-ster-day)
(GOES-12 satelliidi sünkroniseeritud orbiit W75 kraadi)
3 tunni k-indeks
Boulder 5 5 6 6 3 5 4 3 Planetary 5 6 7 6 4 4 4 4
F. Kommentaarid
On 16 June, it was determined that a scaling problem exists with the Boulder magnetometer instrument.  While this problem, and its fix are being investigated the primary instrument for Boulder K-indices has been switched to the Boulder USGS (via Domsat) magnetometer, effective 1500 UTC on 16 June.

GOES Protons:
To ensure continued operational monitoring of important energetic particle data, it is necessary to reassign primary/secondary designations for the GOES Space Environment Monitor (SEM) detectors. GOES 11 (113W) will become the primary satellite for protons. The transition from GOES 8 to GOES 11 was scheduled for 18 June, but has been delayed until 19 June. GOES 12 will continue as the primary satellite for magnetometer, X-ray, and electron measurements. GOES 10 (135W) will be the secondary satellite for all SEM sensors - magnetometer, X-ray, and energetic particles.  Because of the degraded state of the proton data on GOES-10, its designation as the secondary source for proton data is a short-term solution.  More permanent solutions have been identified and are being evaluated.  Users will be notified when we define and schedule a permanent fix.  Further details can be found at

Kõik ajad UTC-s

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Viimane X-loide28/03/2025X1.1
Viimane M-loide31/03/2025M1.2
Viimane geomagnetiline torm27/03/2025Kp5 (G1)
Plekivabasid päevi
Viimane päikese plekivaba päev08/06/2022
Kuu keskmine päikeseplekkide arv
veebruar 2025154.6 +17.6
märts 2025127 -27.6
Viimased 30 päeva127 -25.7

See päev ajaloos*

Päikesepursked ehk loited
*alates 1994
