Table of the characteristics of sunspot regions per Zürich/McIntosh system

The magnetic classification of sunspots based on the Zürich/McIntosh system: Classification Values (C.V.) derived by Malde is: “A sunspot count derived using weighting of Zürich (Modified) McIntosh classifications“. The C.V. count intends to measure the variety of sunspot region classification with respect to their ability of survival, typical life style, complexity, structure, polarity, size and elongation on the solar disk.

The sunspots on the earth-facing side of the Sun are counted every day by the space weather specialists and they give each sunspot region a magnetic classification and a spot classification. On our website you’ll find an overview of all the sunspot groups together with their classification. Below you get to know what these mean.

CV-nbr. ZMcI-type Magnetic type Length Penumbra type Distribution
1 Axx Unipolar - No penumbra Single
2 Bxo Bipolar - No penumbra Open
3 Bxi Bipolar - No penumbra Intermediate
4 Hrx Unipolar - Rudimentary Single
5 Cro Bipolar one side - Rudimentary Open
6 Cri Bipolar one side - Rudimentary Intermediate
7 Hax Unipolar - Asymmetric, <2,5° Single
8 Cao Bipolar one side - Asymmetric, <2,5° Open
9 Cai Bipolar one side - Asymmetric, <2,5° Intermediate
10 Hsx Unipolar - Symmetric, <2,5° Single
11 Cso Bipolar one side - Symmetric, <2,5° Open
12 Csi Bipolar one side - Symmetric, <2,5° Intermediate
13 Dro Bipolar <10° Rudimentary Open
14 Ero Bipolar >10° <15° Rudimentary Open
15 Fro Bipolar >15° Rudimentary Open
16 Dri Bipolar <10° Rudimentary Intermediate
17 Eri Bipolar >10° <15° Rudimentary Intermediate
18 Fri Bipolar >15° Rudimentary Intermediate
19 Dao Bipolar <10° Asymmetric, <2,5° Open
20 Eao Bipolar >10° <15° Asymmetric, <2,5° Open
21 Fao Bipolar >15° Asymmetric, <2,5° Open
22 Dai Bipolar <10° Asymmetric, <2,5° Intermediate
23 Eai Bipolar >10° <15° Asymmetric, <2,5° Intermediate
24 Fai Bipolar >15° Asymmetric, <2,5° Intermediate
25 Dso Bipolar <10° Symmetric, <2,5° Open
26 Eso Bipolar >10° <15° Symmetric, <2,5° Open
27 Fso Bipolar >15° Symmetric, <2,5° Open
28 Dsi Bipolar <10° Symmetric, <2,5° Intermediate
29 Esi Bipolar >10° <15° Symmetric, <2,5° Intermediate
30 Fsi Bipolar >15° Symmetric, <2,5° Intermediate
31 Dac Bipolar <10° Asymmetric, <2,5° Compact
32 Eac Bipolar >10° <15° Asymmetric, <2,5° Compact
33 Fac Bipolar >15° Asymmetric, <2,5° Compact
34 Dsc Bipolar <10° Symmetric, <2,5° Compact
35 Esc Bipolar >10° <15° Symmetric, <2,5° Compact
36 Fsc Bipolar >15° Symmetric, <2,5° Compact
37 Hkx Unipolar - Asymmetric, >2,5° Single
38 Cko Bipolar one side - Asymmetric, >2,5° Open
39 Cki Bipolar one side - Asymmetric, >2,5° Intermediate
40 Hhx Unipolar - Symmetric, >2,5° Single
41 Cho Bipolar one side - Symmetric, >2,5° Open
42 Chi Bipolar one side - Symmetric, >2,5° Intermediate
43 Dko Bipolar <10° Asymmetric, >2,5° Open
44 Eko Bipolar >10° <15° Asymmetric, >2,5° Open
45 Fko Bipolar >15° Asymmetric, >2,5° Open
46 Dki Bipolar <10° Asymmetric, >2,5° Intermediate
47 Eki Bipolar >10° <15° Asymmetric, >2,5° Intermediate
48 Fki Bipolar >15° Asymmetric, >2,5° Intermediate
49 Dho Bipolar <10° Symmetric, >2,5° Open
50 Eho Bipolar >10° <15° Symmetric, >2,5° Open
51 Fho Bipolar >15° Symmetric, >2,5° Open
52 Dhi Bipolar <10° Symmetric, >2,5° Intermediate
53 Ehi Bipolar >10° <15° Symmetric, >2,5° Intermediate
54 Fhi Bipolar >15° Symmetric, >2,5° Intermediate
55 Dkc Bipolar <10° Asymmetric, >2,5° Compact
56 Ekc Bipolar >10° <15° Asymmetric, >2,5° Compact
57 Fkc Bipolar >15° Asymmetric, >2,5° Compact
58 Dhc Bipolar <10° Symmetric, >2,5° Compact
59 Ehc Bipolar >10° <15° Symmetric, >2,5° Compact
60 Fhc Bipolar >15° Symmetric, >2,5° Compact

Every Cv group/regions Cv-count are summarized per day and averaged per month.

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