Vaata laupäev, 26 märts 2011 arhiivi

Päikese aktiivsuse aruanne

Igale käesolevas aruandes mainitud päikesepurskele on kohaldatud Kosmose Ilmaennustuskeskuse (SWPC) skaalafaktor. SWPC skaleerimisteguri tõttu on päikesepursked esitatud 42% väiksemana kui samade teadusliku kvaliteediga andmete puhul. Meie arhiveeritud päikesepursete andmetest on skaleerimisstegur eemaldatud, et kajastada tegelikke füüsikalisi ühikuid.
Päikese ja geofüüsikalise aktiivsuse aruanne 2011 Mar 26 2200 UTC
Valminud NOAA © SWPC ja töödeldud

Ühine USAF / NOAA päikese- ja geofüüsikaalase aktiivsuse aruanne

SDF number 085 Välja antud 2200Z kuni 26 Mar 2011

IA. Päikese aktiivsete piirkondade ja päikeseaktiivsuse analüüs alates 25-2100Z kuni 26-2100Z

Solar activity was moderate due to an impulsive M1 X-ray event at 25/2322Z from Region 1176 (S16E16). Associated with this event were Type II (673 km/s), Type IV and 10.7 cm (170 sfu) radio signatures. Region 1176 remained mostly unchanged through the period, though it increased in longitudinal extent, and is classified as an F-type group. Region 1178 (S15E43) developed penumbra in its trailer spots to become a D-type group. At about 26/0500Z, GOES-15 SXI BE12A imagery observed a large surge from Region 1180 (N25E53) that appeared to continue for about six hours. X-ray data was mostly unavailable during this event due to GOES-13 and GOES-15 eclipse phase. Associated with this event was a fast-moving (approximately 850 km/s) partial-halo, asymmetric CME first observed in LASCO C3 imagery at 26/0630Z and STEREO-A and B COR2 imagery at 26/0709Z. Though this CME does not appear to have an Earth-directed component, further analysis is required.
IB. Päikese aktiivsuse ennustus
Solar activity is expected to be low for the next three days (27 - 29 March). A chance for M-class activity exists on day one (27 March) becoming likely on days two and three (28 - 29 March) with a slight chance for X-class activity on 29 March. This expected increase in activity is due to the complex nature of Region 1176 and the return of old Region 1166 (N10, L=110) on 27 March. On its last transit across the disk, old Region 1166 produced four M-class events and one X-class event.
IIA. Summaarne geofüüsikaline aktiivsus 25-2100Z kuni 26-2100Z
The geomagnetic field was at quiet levels. ACE solar wind data indicated a gradual decrease in wind velocities from a high of 460 km/s at 26/0243Z to a low of 360 km/s at 26/1841Z. IMF Bz was predominately north through the period.
IIB. Geofüüsikalise aktiivsuse ennustus
The geomagnetic field is expected to be at mostly quiet levels for day one (27 March). By day two (28 March), quiet to unsettled conditions, with isolated active periods, are possible due to effects from the 24 March CME. Quiet levels are expected to return on day three (29 March).
III. Sündmuste tõenäosus 27 Markuni 29 Mar
Klass M50%60%70%
Klass X05%05%10%
IV. Pikklaine 10.7 cm kiirgus
  Vaadeldud       26 Mar 115
  Prognoositud   27 Mar-29 Mar  120/125/125
  90 päeva keskmine        26 Mar 096
V. Geomagneetiline A-indeks
  Vaadeldud Afr/Ap 25 Mar  002/003
  Hinnanguline     Afr/Ap 26 Mar  002/003
  Prognoositud    Afr/Ap 27 Mar-29 Mar  005/005-010/010-005/005
VI. Geomagnetilised aktiivsuse tõenäosused 27 Mar kuni 29 Mar
A. Keskmistel laiuskraadidel
Väike torm01%05%01%
Suur-tõsine torm01%01%01%
B. Kõrgetel laiuskraadidel
Väike torm01%10%01%
Suur-tõsine torm01%01%01%

Kõik ajad UTC-s

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jaanuar 2025137 -17.5
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